Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered
If you’ve never visited an Acupuncturist before, you’re bound to have lots of questions or concerns. Below, you’ll find a list of several frequently asked questions from my patients. Connect with me today for more information.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?
It's important for me to gain a complete understanding of your health concerns and history so please take the time to complete your intake form prior to your initial treatment. It's best not to come on an empty stomach. Try to have a light snack before hand and avoid using alcohol or recreational drugs. You are welcome to bring a pair of shorts or tank top to change into but it is not required as towels or sheets are provided.
What can I expect from my first session?
During your first visit we will have an opportunity to discuss your health concerns in more detail and answer your questions. Once we've done that we will get your first treatment underway. Initial appointments take up to 90 minutes and during your treatment you will rest the needles in for 20-30 minutes (napping is welcome!).
Can Acupuncture treat this...???
This is something I get asked a lot! The World Health Organizations recognizes Acupuncture as a safe and effective treatment for numerous health conditions. These include, but are not limited to, Joint and Muscle pain, Digestive issues/IBS/IBD, Depression/Anxiety, Migraines, Fertility, Pregnancy, Labour Preparation, PMS, Peri-Menopause, Allergies/Asthma, and much much more.
How many treatments will I need?
Patients often feel improvement in the the first few sessions however many factors can influence the time the number of treatments that might be required. These include pre-existing or underlying conditions, how chronic or long-standing the issue is, and presence of ongoing aggravating factors. I will take the time to discuss your individual treatment plan and prognosis during your initial appointment.
Are there any benefits to getting Acupuncture even if I don't have a specific health concern?
Absolutely! One of my favourite things about Acupuncture is that anyone can experience inherent benefits which include calming the nervous system, decreasing stress, and improving energy and immunity to name a few. Regular Acupuncture is an excellent way to maintain great health.